Transformation Stories

What women who have done alabastron have to say

I Have Transformed into a Beautiful Butterfly!

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed you wonder if you’ll ever get the strength to move on? Then a transformation happens to you giving you a new lease in life? This is the experience I had through my Renewing Self journey. It has been a journey of transformation from a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly!

I first heard aboutAlabastron five years ago through a friend of mine. I even attended three open days. Yes, you heard me correctly! Three times! But I never felt ready for the program. Things changed when I met a woman in a counseling class I was pursuing.

She was always calm, well composed, and very assertive. When I reached out to her, she told me that she had taken an amazing program called Alabastron. She said, “If you attend the program, your life will never be the same again.” “All you admire in me is as a result of Alabastron.” She said confidently   If you attend the program your life will never be the same again!

I really wanted what she had! So, when she invited me for yet another open day, there and then, I made up my mind to enroll. And Voila! The journey to a renewed me began!

Looking back, I was going through a difficult time. I had several family challenges and I had been terminated from employment under very unfair circumstances. As a result, I was going through depression and I was doing my level best to conceal it. Sigh! Yeah I know! Guess what? I was perfect at it! Everyone believed the smile on my face but no one saw the pain inside of me.   Everyone believed the smile on my face but no one saw the pain inside of me.

My life was falling apart because I had too much emotional pain. I cried myself to sleep most of the nights. Eventually, I started taking sleeping pills. At this point I felt even God was not hearing me. I tried counseling. But nothing worked! Deep down I knew I needed help or else I would perish! I was tired of being a pillar to other people yet I was crushing on the inside.

Alabastron was the best gift that I ever gave to myself

When I enrolled for the program, I was hoping to get advice on how to handle my issues. I also expected an extreme make over and 360 turn around! Well! Unfortunately, Alabastron is nothing like that!

It is the best thing that ever happened to me! Alabastron was the best gift that I ever gave to myself. I joined this program as a caterpillar, a tired one that thought the world was over! But just when the caterpillar thought the world was over! Wooah! It became a butterfly!   I am experiencing peace that is so real!

I learnt to look at life through different lenses. Clearer ones! It is like the day I first wore my spectacles and everything looked clearer. My life purpose is clearer. I am experiencing peace that is so real! Sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe that this is still me, Benedette! Hahahaha! My family and close friends admire my calmness and sense of fulfillment.

I would love to encourage any woman going through emotional turmoil or any kind of life challenges that there is light at the end of the tunnel! Register for this life changing experience. It will give you a new lease of life like it did to me. It will positively change your relationship with yourself, with God and all those around you. It’s truly a renewing self experience.


About Us

Alabastron INpowerment Ltd is an organization that is committed to equipping women to identify their self-defeating patterns and deal with them in order to live significantly.

Contact Us

  • Alabastron INpowerment Ltd
  • P.O BOX 104054 (00101)
  • Nairobi Kenya
  •  Phone: +254 719504104
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