Welcome to BINAFSI Issue four where we will look at how to activate the awareness of your own soul so that you can fully understand who you are and what you really want.
The year 2020, is less than three months away, it will be exactly the same for you unless you do something differently.
2019, 2018, 2017, 2016.
Yes, the digit will change but nothing else will, unless you of course renew your mind!! Renewing Self Season 41 is the last season in 2019 which is a chance for you to get your crown of beauty back so that in 2020, you will have a life charged with renewed energy to face life differently.
A Crown of Awareness of My Soul
Eva Kimani (Season 39)
“I honestly didn’t know I was suppressing anger and un-forgiveness in my life.” ~ Eva
In a world where we are cultured to always look for solutions in an external environment away from our own selves; it is almost inevitable to lack a sense of awareness our own core existence. Our own soul! This was my nature when I came to Alabastron. My Alabastron journey made me have awareness of my soul!
I heard about Alabastron more than a decade ago. I even attended the FREE Open Days. Two of them! I was just curious about the program but didn’t sign up. Two years ago, after meeting with a spiritual mentor I hold with high regard, she recommended Alabastron. WOW! I was in shock!
“I believe you are facing some challenges in your life because of hurt, anger and rejection. You need to unearth the root cause. Consider taking the Alabastron Program” She firmly advised.
However, I kept on telling myself that I am ok and I don’t really need any intervention from an outside party. I thought that through my own prayer and fasting I would figure this out!
I honestly, didn’t know I was suppressing anger and un-forgiveness in my life. I was living life upset without my knowledge that I was angry..
I honestly, didn’t know I was suppressing anger and un-forgiveness in my life. During the program I learnt I had been piling up many negative emotions in my life. I was irritable around certain people and it was triggered by words spoken to me. I was living life upset without my knowledge that I was angry.
Google shows that there are approximately 282 million searches for the term, motivational quotes. On one hand, this could indicate that most people depend on positive energy to get the courage to face a new day while on the other hand; it could mean that mostly, people dwell on the comfort of being motivated rather than taking action. Possibly, it can denote that human beings it is better to live a passive life rather than an active one that is bursting with determination, hope and purpose.
Susan Mccuistion states that lack of taking action towards self-awareness is an intentional decision to stay stuck in life. In her elaboration that lack of taking keen interest in understanding oneself is setting yourself up to fall into the same problems each day of your life.
“But how can I take action to avoid setting myself up to get into the same problems in life?” You wonder!!
Join us for the FREE Open Day and understand how you can take the journey towards understanding yourself.
A Crown of Awareness of My Soul
I honestly, didn’t know I was suppressing anger and un-forgiveness in my life. I was living life upset without my knowledge that I was angry..” ~ Eva
Join us for the FREE Open Day and understand how you can take the journey towards understanding yourself.
Maryann Kuria shares some natural home tips on shaving pubic hair clean without itchiness and discomfort.
Start With a Shower - Warm water will help soften your skin and the hairs. This will also open pores therefore avoid pubic hair irritation.
Use Conditioner - Now this is the trick. Massage the areas you are going to shave with hair conditioner to help soften the hair first, especially if your pubic hair is very coarse. OR
Apply a fragrance-free cream or lotion since added perfumes can cause irritation. Leave the lotion on for several minutes prior to shaving to further soften the hair.
Shave With Caution
Use a brand new razor to assure the blades are sharp since a blunt razor will pull on the hairs instead of shaving them off. Then dry it off by patting using a towel. Avoid rubbing it.
Now you get it. Tell us some of your life hacks that we can share with other women on binafsi@alabastron.org . Also, give us feedback on your experiences of the life hacks that have been shared so far.
Thank you for all who have given us feedback so far, we want to hear from you! Send us your comments on binafsi@alabastron.org we would love to hear what you are enjoying and what you would like to see more of and see you next Tuesday for some more Binafsi time!