Transformation Stories

What women who have done alabastron have to say

A Crown of Awareness of My Soul

“I honestly didn’t know I was suppressing anger and un-forgiveness in my life.” ~ Eva

In a world where we are cultured to always look for solutions in an external environment away from our own selves; it is almost inevitable to lack a sense of awareness our own core existence. Our own soul! This was my nature when I came to Alabastron. My Alabastron journey made me have awareness of my soul!

I heard about Alabastron more than a decade ago. I even attended the FREE Open Days. Two of them! I was just curious about the program but didn’t sign up. Two years ago, after meeting with a spiritual mentor I hold with high regard, she recommended Alabastron. WOW! I was in shock!

“I believe you are facing some challenges in your life because of hurt, anger and rejection. You need to unearth the root cause. Consider taking the Alabastron Program” She firmly advised.

However, I kept on telling myself that I am ok and I don’t really need any intervention from an outside party. I thought that through my own prayer and fasting I would figure this out!   I honestly, didn’t know I was suppressing anger and un-forgiveness in my life. I was living life upset without my knowledge that I was angry..

I honestly, didn’t know I was suppressing anger and un-forgiveness in my life. During the program I learnt I had been piling up many negative emotions in my life. I was irritable around certain people and it was triggered by words spoken to me. I was living life upset without my knowledge that I was angry.

I was holding on to the toxic friendships which made me angry because I thought I would be a bad person if I let go these relationship. I was running around trying to save everyone in a battle I came to realize I will never win. I was constantly emotionally exhausted by human beings!

To console myself, I began reading inspirational articles by Brene Brown. I decided to take one of her recommendations on courage and vulnerability without reading the whole book. I was trying to use a bandage to fix an internal injury. What a waste of time!! It would leave me feeling even worse. I would be angry, exposed, hurt and bitter. All these efforts were towards an amicable co-existence in my draining life.   My Alabastron journey taught me that forgiveness is to set myself free. I was also equipped on how to communicate what I want and what I do not want.

My Alabastron journey taught me that forgiveness is to set myself free. I was also equipped on how to communicate what I want and what I do not want. This time I learnt the various life tools from a place of self-awareness rather than hurt and pain in the previous times.

This awareness has made me acknowledge to myself on what ‘ails’ me. I am now taking a step back and questioning myself on why I am responding to issues the way I do. I have also cut off some associations and habits that were dragging me behind. I have become more emphatic towards other people.

In conclusion, we come to this world as blank canvas. Then, the world begins to paint its own designs on us. Sometimes we’ve let the world have its way hence taking up all colors and canvas given to us but denying the master artist an opportunity to create through us a master piece. My Alabastron journey has led me to allow the master artist paint through me what He desires. For every women searching for an amicable coexistence in her life and an inner understanding of the soul, take the Alabastron journey. You will have the awareness of the soul!


About Us

Alabastron INpowerment Ltd is an organization that is committed to equipping women to identify their self-defeating patterns and deal with them in order to live significantly.

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  • Alabastron INpowerment Ltd
  • P.O BOX 104054 (00101)
  • Nairobi Kenya
  •  Phone: +254 719504104
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