Voices of Transformation

What women who have done alabastron have to say

How I Dealt With My Anxiety and Healed

alabastron transformation renewing self

Imagine being in a leadership position and your major role involves making presentations to different audiences but every time you stand get on stage this is what is going through your mind; ‘You’ll mess this up like you always do!’, ‘You shouldn’t be the one addressing these people!’, ‘Mary would do a better job at this than you!’ This was me before I did Alabastron.

To give you a little backstory, these voices hadn’t started in my adult life. I had always been unsure about myself in different areas from way back in my childhood. And you see the thing about these voices is that I believed them; despite most of them being negative; as a result, I found myself overly compensating in everything.   I would feel the need to do and give my friends anything they ask for to please them; which would leave me drained. I would feel the need to do and give my friends anything they ask for to please them; which would leave me drained.

I knew I was not okay and when the anxiety started affecting my work, I decided to seek help. A friend recommended a therapist who I started seeing. I was progressing okay until one evening when I heard Laimani speaking at one of the Open Days and realized Alabastron was what I needed; she was literally speaking to me. Another friend who was planning to do the program for the second time, suggested that I do it and since I was in the spirit of growing myself, I said why not? I immediately enrolled and my journey began.

During the classes, I was able to articulate what made me anxious and deal with the emotions that arose from talking about my anxiety. I now feel better equipped to deal with the emotions and anxiety. One of my colleagues actually commented on an improvement in my presentations.   I was able to articulate what made me anxious and deal with the emotions that arose from talking about my anxiety. The relationship with my friends is also better and we are able to have more real deep conversations. I wouldn’t say my anxiety has gone away completely but I love the progress I have made. I still continue with my therapy sessions on an ad hoc basis.

Want to improve an area in your life? Register here for the next season of the Renewing Self Program.

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About Us

Alabastron INpowerment Ltd is an organization that is committed to equipping women to identify their self-defeating patterns and deal with them in order to live significantly.

Contact Us

  • Alabastron INpowerment Ltd
  • P.O BOX 104054 (00101)
  • Nairobi Kenya
  •  Phone: +254 719504104
  •  Email: talktous@alabastron.org