Welcome to the final Binafsi issue of Alabastron in 2019!!
How happy have we made you? Have you felt the love, care and warmth?
Alabastron longs for you to enjoy your me time through every issue of Binafsi. We hope to inspire, motivate, encourage, add hope, add new insights and bring transformation in your life through the art of self-reflection. One of the best times to think through how life has been for you is during this period of rest. When there is no school, reports or meetings to think about. This is a time to not only share love with others but also yourself. I hope you will enjoy your self-love moment even as we take a break in Binafsi. I hope that every time you will wish to learn , unlearn, and relearn your mind will promptly remember Binafsi.
In 2020 be prepared for fresh content, more inspiring stories, more love, and cheerful, vibrant charged metime with Binafsi. We are looking forward to amaze your mind with mind-blowing ideas, entice your imagination with juicy stories and convince your intellect with mindful arguments that will contribute to the best version of who you know you can become.
Meanwhile, enjoy the jingle, love yourself, love your family, and connect with the core of who you are but most of all have a restful holiday full of Binafsi moments to keep yourself in check with how the holiday goes and what it brings out of your soul!!
My Journey of Understanding Love
- from Diana Nyangah
I experienced frustration in my love space over and over again! I kept asking myself, “What is it was I doing wrong? Why was I unable to have and maintain healthy relationships?” This dilemma led me to take the program.
During the program it dawned on me that what I believed affected the reality I was facing. I had believed that my social status was not good enough to attract what I perceived as good men. This made me feel ashamed.
I kept asking myself, “What is it was I doing wrong? Why was I unable to have and maintain healthy relationships?” This dilemma led me to take the program.
My greatest highlight was to be able to share my experience in a vulnerable and authentic way in a safe space. I realized that despite all that is around me and my physical attributes, I have a treasure within me. This led me to begin valuing myself, remove the pressure to settle down because of my age being that I am in my mid-thirties. I now seek my identity in this space as a child of God and not from the varies roles I play in life.
Christmas is a christian holiday that celebrates the greatest of love. It is during this time that we remember the love that God felt for us as human was greater than His son’s own life. What a love? The maturity of a christian is embodied when he or she is becoming like Christ. The true sign of maturity of love is when an individual can give the love of God to all people because they’ve opened their hearts to the love of God that is unconditional. This way they are able to love the unlovable and choose to continually purse love. This holiday as we celebrate the love of God let this love mature and blossom in your life so that you can become like a radiant of hope in the lives of the people who God has choose you to be a vessel of love through him. Love gracefully anyway!
My Journey of Understanding Love
I kept asking myself, “What is it was I doing wrong? Why was I unable to have and maintain healthy relationships?” Diana Nyangah shares her experience on how the Love Restoration program has influenced how she shows up in the love space.
Do you have an oily skin? Maintaining it does not have to be stressful. You can use these two natural and cheap remedies to ensure it is smooth and glowing. Use lemon and honey for your face before you sleep for a few minutes thrice a week as advised by Emily Odour. Try it and tell us your experience on
Thank you for all who have given us feedback so far, we want to hear from you! Send us your comments on binafsi@alabastron.org we would love to hear what you are enjoying and what you would like to see more of and see you next Tuesday for some more Binafsi time!
Alabastron Network Trust is an organization that is committed to equipping women to identify their self-defeating patterns and deal with them in order to live significantly.