Alabastron Led Me to Marriage!

Why on earth would she be calling me? After all we had fallen out! In 2012, a friend whom we had fallen out with called and asked to visit. I was surprised as we had not spoken for years. She came and we spent an evening together. I observed that she had really changed! There was calmness around her and even though we didn’t discuss the issues that led to our fall-out, we talked about past years and as she left, I asked her, “What happened to you?” she said, “I went for a course. I would recommend it to you. It is transformational! Look up Alabastron on Google.” And that was it!
I went to the Alabastron Network Trust website out of curiosity. By the end of the following day, I had googled, and signed up for the Alabastron Renewing Self Program. At that point I was single and very active in church but I had lots of anger and bitterness with my mum, big sister and some friends.
I had a very beautiful mask – I was a church leader, I was a church girl! I built walls around me, I stopped going to visit my parents (would visit once a year), stopped talking to my sister and some friends and immersed myself in church. I hoped this would give me peace of mind and help me stay away from toxic relationships.
Now, I often talk with mum! I visit her every so often. I am now married – Alabastron got me a husband! Lol! We were equipped on how to recognize Love, and I got a man with the Love qualities. My relationship with my sister is work in progress. I forgave her, I told her so. And I am no longer bitter with her.
At Alabastron, I was equipped with tools on how to forgive, to love God, myself and others, how not to conform to the patterns of this world, I learned how to use words better.
My Big take out was LOVE. Interestingly, 3 months after the season, I met my true love, now husband. He wasn’t new to me. I had known him and served with him in church for 7 years. He noticed the change in me and in his own words says, “I knew the time was right to finally propose to you, you were refreshing”. I know for a fact that had I not done Alabastron, he stood no chance because I looked for love according to the patterns of this world. I could not have recognized his Love for what it was. Alabastron taught me how to love and to receive Love.
…in his own words says, “I knew the time was right to finally propose to you, you were refreshing”.
We got married in 2013 and I quickly rolled back into the patterns of this world – belief systems on how a wife should be and how a husband should be. I could feel something was wrong! My soul had an ache. What society teaches about marriage was not working for me.
I know for a fact that had I not done Alabastron, he stood no chance because I looked for love according to the patterns of this world.
We were blessed with a child in 2016, and I knew then I could not hold it anymore. I felt like by the patterns of society, I was not a good mother! I struggled with this. I sat down one day and asked myself “Who taught me this?” That’s when I knew I needed to go back to Alabastron.
I enrolled to Alabastron AGAIN in March, 2018.
Love yourself enough to gift yourself a Renewed and Restored YOU.
I have come out stronger!!!! Whaaaat! We can have coffee over this! I got so much to share. I am now equipped for marriage in a new, refreshing and renewed way! I know for a fact that I will be a very conscious mother. You see I had forgotten to use some lessons I learnt the first time and the tools I got 6 years ago, hence my backsliding to conforming to the patterns of this world!
I am now equipped for marriage in a new, refreshing and renewed way!
Any Alumni out there? Come back! Re-do the class, especially if there have been changes in your life, your relationships, or maybe you didn’t give the class the 100% attention that it deserves. Or you feel that ache in your soul. Come back, it is sooo worth it! We are now doing marriage in an extra-ordinary way! It is so fulfilling and truly a blessing!
I would like to encourage a woman out there:
Lady, you know you are not well emotionally. When you truly get honest with yourself, you feel drained, angry, shame, and pain. Do something for YOURSELF! Risk to discover who you are before the world gave you titles like mother, wife, colleague, sister. Who are you truly? Dare to trust Coach Laimani, you will forever be grateful.