I Am a Blessed Mother Who Is Happily Single and Satisfied!
What comes to your mind when a woman introduces herself as a single mum? Think about it.
The Renewing Self program was more than just a program for me. It was an experience! A journey of truly rediscovering myself! In this journey, I learned how to drop labels that I allowed to define me.
One of the labels I had allowed to define me for a long period of my life was ‘Single Mum’. I chose to drop this label. Let’s be honest, what do we think immediately someone calls herself a single mum? Disgrace to the family, shame to the family, burden to the family, promiscuous, why couldn’t you wait for marriage, why couldn’t you keep your marriage together? And the list goes on! Yes! Isn’t this what we often do?
I refuse to allow a cloud of shame to hover over my life. I am intentionally replacing the label of ‘single mum’ with a fine crown. Renewing self program was more than just a program for me. It was a journey of truly of truly rediscovering myself!
This crown says I am a blessed mother who is happily single and satisfied. Being a mother is one of the greatest gifts and privileges bestowed on me by God. I am honored to be entrusted with the responsibility of raising a king in my son.
Being single is something I never quite allowed myself to enjoy because of the tireless pursuit of marriage in unhealthy relationships.
I refuse to allow a cloud of shame to hover over my life. I am intentionally replacing the label of “single mum” with a fine crown.
But having gone through the Renewing Self Program, I have awakened an amazing love for myself and a desire to continuously work on improving myself. This is because I finally understood that the best gift I could give to my son and everyone whose life I’m privileged to touch is the best version of myself.
I have awakened an amazing love for myself and a desire to continuously work on improving myself. This is because I am confident that is how my Father in heaven would have me represent him in all aspects of my life.
Renewing Self program is an ultimate experience that all women should go through to rediscover themselves and live significantly while impacting the community of people they interact with in their day-to-day activities.