I Came in Skeptical About the Online Session, I Have Left Having Narrowed Down to What's Important

Well…. when I heard that Alabastron was been done online I was bit skeptical because I wondered if I would have the same impact having done it before during the physical sessions. I even remember asking, “Will it have the same impact as face to face?”
One of the guides answered and said ‘’ Just show up and that you will be restored. It is God doing the work” There and then I got my answer and decided to join ASAP!
Alabastron for me has been like standing in front of two mirrors. The first mirror shows a reflection of how I have short changed myself by not living life to the fullest! It reflected anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, unhealthy self-esteem, masks, negative beliefs about myself & life, hatred, sadness, negativity the list is endless. I didn’t like what I saw at all. And I needed to admit myself in a ‘’hospital’’ to get well.
The second mirror is a reflection of who I am, the truest version of myself. The possibilities of who I would become if I shed off the unnecessary weight that I had carried. It was like a journey into my life unearthing the diamond that was hidden. It was more of unlearning and learning sometimes it felt overwhelming visiting those spaces, letting go of the beliefs that I thought were true and allowing the living word of God to define who I am and myself worth. Extending grace to myself, discovering that my true definition is from the word of God, knowing that I am loved and most of all I am good enough.
With this journey I have been able to narrow down what is important and even to question God as to why I was created, what is my purpose here on earth. I now understand myself better. I’m glad I took this time to check into a “hospital” and allowed myself to be whole.
The ride has been worthwhile I would do it again and again, again… What is your story? Do you long to discover your identity? Do you struggle to connect with your purpose? Are you broken from life’s experiences? Do you believe you are a diamond in the rough? You can begin your journey towards the future you want by enrolling HERE.