I Have Come To A Place Of Beauty And Peace!
Who goes on live TV to air their dirty linen?! That was the question on my mind when I heard Laimani speaking on TV about My Unspoken. I was very curious about which woman would go on such a show! We all have issues but sharing them on TV!!! That was a definite NO for me!
That was my first encounter with Alabastron many years ago. I had confused My Unspoken TV Show for Alabastron. Alabastron is a safe, private space for women where they can move from stuck to significance.
I heard about it again from my aunt Beatrice, who was a guide at Alabastron for many years. She got my curiosity rekindled. She made me come for two open days before I was ready to commit to the program! She told me it would help me prioritize my life and help me get my identity back. At that point all I thought was Alabastron was a place for "older women with problems”. I thought Alabastron was a psychotherapy group or class...
I had my doubts…I thought it was a psychotherapy group or class for people struggling with or recovering from addiction or trauma; like AA or something. Being a born again believer, I had long since dealt with my drinking demons and did not need recovery from any trauma.
Despite all these doubts, I was still stuck! My business was on its death bed, my marriage was dull, my relationship with my sister was strained and I had so much anger and unforgiveness bottled up.
I tried to sort myself out by adding yet another business (read side hustle) to my list of startups adding even more strain on my body, time and finances. I was spreading myself too thin and still using my spare time trying to please others! This always resulted in self-hatred for the inability to say NO!! I was spreading myself too thin and still using my spare time trying to please others!
I was hoping things would work out by themselves (wishful thinking!) but I realize now that truly, INSANITY is doing the same thing the same way expecting different results! I needed to change how I did things. I prayed and fasted and realized that I needed to renew my thinking in order to change my mind, and hence change my results.
I have learnt to say NO frequently and politely.
I finally enrolled because I needed to "check the box" in my life that I had done Alabastron and prove to my aunt that I'd finally done it! I was also really curious about a flier that offered to move me from stuck to significance! I have learnt to say NO frequently and politely. I have learnt not to take on more than I can handle.
What have I gained from Alabastron? Wow! A LOT!!!
I have learnt to say NO frequently and politely. I have learnt not to take on more than I can handle.
I have learnt to set aside some quality ME time (if I have myself together I’m better equipped to assist others).
I have learnt to let go and let God.
I have been equipped with tools to help me work on myself so that I can be in to a place of beauty and peace.
Register for Alabastron Renewing Self Program here…