Transformation Stories

What women who have done alabastron have to say

Is She Well? How Do I Even Start Reaching Out To Her?

Those of us who have read the book, Hinds Feet to High Places, by Hannah Hunnard may remember what happened to Much Afraid at the end of her journey. She reached out to her family of the Fearings who lived in the Valley of Humiliation, in the village called Much Trembling.

Women in Africa are known to genuinely reach out to each other in need and indeed.
We asked one, Nkirote, who did Alabastron Sn9 in 2011, and has tirelessly brought ladies to the Alabastron classes to give us tips on how she does it, so that we could probably borrow some.
This is what she had to say.

How do you identify the women?

  Guess what! In my opinion, any and every woman who has not done Alabastron Renewing Self is a candidate. They are either complaining, or are trying to hold everything together. There's just something “wanang'ang'ana” (they are struggling with)

  In my opinion, any and every woman who has not done Alabastron Renewing Self is a candidate. They are either complaining, or are trying to hold everything together. There's just something “wanang'ang'ana” (they are struggling with)

Where do you find them?

  (i) Anytime I am in a group of women I always ask "have you ever heard of Renewing Self Program by Alabastron?" (ii) Then there are friends, family and all acquaintances. Even men I tell them to send their wives to Alabastron.

How do you reach out to them...? I mean how do you initiate the conversation?

  Ummhh! Very tricky. Not very easy. Most of them think I work for Alabastron. Some of the comments go like this (a) you're so passionate how much do they pay you? (b) Do they give you a salary or commission? c) That company is so lucky to have you. (d) Do all their marketing staff sell like you? e) The funniest I remember, "Nkirote I don't do multilevel marketing anymore. But just to ask, so what level are you at now, millions or thousands"?

How do you share your story?

  Usually in all types of analogies. Analogies are so many I'll have to speak them to you. (I'm trying to type this email with two toddlers all over me…. this email is taking hours...)
Anyway, it's not possible for me to give the women details of RS, because I don’t want to pre-empt and spoil for them... That's why I use analogies.   Anyway, it's not possible for me to give the women details of RS, because I don’t want to pre-empt and spoil for them...
If I'm in a whatsap group or any other regular group, below is what I usually post but dates change depending on season.

I have mentioned the word ALABASTRON several times before. Alabastron Network Trust runs a program called RENEWING SELF. The next season begins at the ALABASTRON OPEN DAY on 26th April 2017 5:30pm at All Saints Cathedral Nairobi. It is a free event open to all women.
It's an amazing program EVERY WOMAN should engage in. Every woman means,

  1. If you're single, married, widowed, separated, divorced, Christian, religious, Muslim, Hindu, saved, atheist, corporate, self employed, student, old, young,
  2. If you like or dislike your job, if your marriage is awful or awesome, if you're having financial struggle or financial abundance, if your boss is awful or awesome, if your in-laws are troublesome or angelic.
  3. If you're like me and "you don't go doing these kinds of programmes", or you have already done too many and this is just another one, if you know how to manage your issues or have issues, or have no issues at all.
  4. If you're like me and feel the past is gone and you've moved on, if you're like me and you're VEEEEEEERY BUSY, if like me you don't have extra money for this...
  5. If life and church are generally boring without meaning, or life and church are great and so exciting for you.
  6. I could go on and on with the categories,
To avoid a very long post, let me end here but you can inquire from me more on the renewing self program on this wall, or call or chat me.
Or you can call Alabastron office 0719504104 and ask to speak to Beatrice.

All you need to do is support your lady to do the program,
It can be financially, or with time (help her with tasks that she's usually engaged in so she can squeeze some time into Alabastron). It’s only ONCE A WEEK.
With so much love and Blessings, Nkirote

How do you hold their hand and sit them in class?

 Let me change, HOW to WHY. Many reasons: a) when I send ladies to Othaya Rd Gate no. 29 some get lost, b) others say" the ladies there were smiling too much I felt uncomfortable", c) others the class will end late and have no means to get back home (d) others just won't go to unfamiliar evening meetings,

And how do you keep encouraging them after they enroll for the program?

  I call often especially the day before class. I also particularly keep reminding them that self work is crucial and encourage them to trust the process b) for foretreat I tell them to honor themselves for the far they have come and get some really nice outfit and make up etc.   I call often especially the day before class. I also particularly keep reminding them that self work is crucial and encourage them to trust the process
(c) When some want to quit and I use some of the analogies, e.g. I ask "have you ever heard a football coach playing, yet it's the players who win all the trophies. So just listen to the coach and take your trophy home."

Dear fellow Ladies, I Hope this will help you as you look around, lift up your eyes to reach out to the women around you, in the office, chama, matatu, queue, next door, coffee date, taking the child to the same school as you, gymn... Is she well?


About Us

Alabastron INpowerment Ltd is an organization that is committed to equipping women to identify their self-defeating patterns and deal with them in order to live significantly.

Contact Us

  • Alabastron INpowerment Ltd
  • P.O BOX 104054 (00101)
  • Nairobi Kenya
  •  Phone: +254 719504104
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