Transformation Stories

What women who have done alabastron have to say

My Life Was Spinning In Circles

Before I did the Renewing Self Program of Alabastron, I felt like my life was spinning round in circles. I had the same feeling of “why am I doing this?” every morning I woke up and went to work. I sat angry in traffic. I only went to work because bills needed to be paid for anyway. I partied on the weekend and had the same hangover. Time and again I almost swore, “I have officially stopped drinking.” When I got around to attending church, I prayed the same defeating prayer every time. On Monday mornings, I was exhausted - another week in life had passed and another began.

I had the same schedule, the same friends, went about dating in the same way, and did my work in the same way. Always doing the same things and expecting a different outcome.   Though I went to the spa, I felt I had no time for myself. I felt insecure in my relationships and almost all situations I found myself in. I felt as though I was not enough so I needed to do more to impress and get what I wanted. I was tired!!! Though I went to the spa, I felt I had no time for myself. I felt insecure in my relationships and almost all situations I found myself in. I felt as though I was not enough so I needed to do more to impress and get what I wanted. If you asked me, it was as though I was watching someone else living an undesirable life.

The most surprising thing is that on the outside I was prim and proper and no one could tell what was going through my mind. I had ‘evah’ somewhere locked up and lost.

I had heard about Alabastron through a good friend I had in my masters’ class. She was persistent and at the beginning of every season. She would faithfully email and call to remind me that by registering for the Renewing Self, I had everything to gain and nothing to lose. And so last year, I attended the open day, registered and paid up for it. I started the journey with no explanations to anyone since I was doing it for myself.

As I attended class every Saturday morning I learnt so much about myself – and identified what I did subconsciously to manage with my life. I learnt that my thoughts contributed a lot to what decisions I was making every day of my life.

During renewing self I found my Christianity again –amazing how I read the bible but never really understood that Jesus loved all women unconditionally.   At the end of it all I became aware of my values. The values I wanted to live by. I knew I had a purpose in life and that I had to fulfil it Even those according to society were unpleasant, rejected and most of all imperfect. I realized he loved me for who I was the way I was with all my imperfection and mistakes and thus I could forgive myself too.

At the end of it all I became aware of my values. The values I wanted to live by. I knew I had a purpose in life and that I had to fulfil it.

My life after renewing self has just been amazing. My relationships have meaning I can express myself without feeling judged or watched over.

“The truth is no one really cares, we are the ones that have a cloud over our own lives.”

I have learned to appreciate my work while working towards my success. I have even started the process of buying a house. I never thought I would be doing this in my lifetime.   My life after renewing self has just been amazing. My relationships have meaning I can express myself without feeling judged or watched over ...Now I love truly and completely. I love my life.

I also nurture all positive social and work relationships. Those that seem to drive me in the opposite direction of where I want to go –I drop like a hot potato and feel nothing about it.

Now I love truly and completely. I love my life.


About Us

Alabastron INpowerment Ltd is an organization that is committed to equipping women to identify their self-defeating patterns and deal with them in order to live significantly.

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  • Alabastron INpowerment Ltd
  • P.O BOX 104054 (00101)
  • Nairobi Kenya
  •  Phone: +254 719504104
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