Transformation Stories

What women who have done alabastron have to say

It Is Only in Alabastron Where I Got Clarity and Found Myself.

It is only in Alabastron where I got clarity and found myself.

Has your life ever looked like you are stuck in a circle? Always in circles heading nowhere? This was my life when I Joined Alabastron. It is in Alabastron where I found myself. This led me to move forward in my life.

My elder sister has always got my back! Way since I can remember she always stands in for me. Thank God for her! She is the one who introduced me to Alabastron. She invited me to attend the first class of Alabastron so as to evaluate if I would like to engage with the program. After the class I was sure I needed to do the program. I was going through a rough patch in my life.

I had just moved to Nairobi after experiencing frustration in my career and in my relationship with the father of my child. After the birth of my daughter, things were never the same. Not once, did I get betrayed, lied to and used. One of the most painful instances was when he decided that he would move near where I lived so that he would have a relationship with his daughter. In a bid to facilitate his decision, he borrowed money from me to help out in settling then he promised he would pay it back in due course.

However, few months down the line, this man resolved to move to a different county. He did not communicate anything to me. I felt used, betrayed and taken for granted. AaaiH! I was very hurt. This lifestyle became the order of day to a point I could not take it anymore. I was devastated and felt helpless.

“Why do I fall into these patterns every time? What is wrong with me that I cannot see that this man will never change?” I always wondered.

  This hurt affected every other relationship I had. I showed up in each relationship as a martyr of love especially in relationships with men. This hurt affected every other relationship I had. I showed up in each relationship as a martyr of love especially in relationships with men. I would allow the person whom I am relating with, to just do as they please anytime.

My journey through the self-discovery safari enlightened me to see the root cause of the patterns I was stuck in. The reflection I took about my life, enabled me to separate where I came from and the future I wanted. This new motivation enabled me take the class each day with a need to have clarity in my own life. The best part of this journey is that I permitted myself to be in charge of my own life. I am intentional about taking full responsibility of my own life.

Has your life ever looked like you are stuck in a circle?

I began my journey towards forgiving the people who hurt me. I was able to understand that I deserve better. Now, I am a free woman because I regained my voice back. I am now able to stand up for myself. I acquired a lot of boldness through the program.

  My journey through the self-discovery safari enlightened me to see the root cause of the patterns I was stuck in. My relationship with God has improved and I believe he knows my story. I have come to believe that surely God has the final say in my life. To every woman who is going through brokenness, confusion, hopelessness and feeling life is meaningless. Join Alabastron because it is the ONLY organization where you get to discover yourself and find Clarity about Life!


About Us

Alabastron INpowerment Ltd is an organization that is committed to equipping women to identify their self-defeating patterns and deal with them in order to live significantly.

Contact Us

  • Alabastron INpowerment Ltd
  • P.O BOX 104054 (00101)
  • Nairobi Kenya
  •  Phone: +254 719504104
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