They Called Me A Serial Dater...
I learnt about Alabastron for the first time a couple of years back but never really bothered to know the details. Fast forward to last year, my friend, who has been a strong advocate of the program in our group of friends, finally convinced me. I attended the open day and I knew I had to sign up there and then.
My friend had said it will help me rediscover myself, bounce back, deal with issues and situations I have been avoiding but needed to address.
At first I thought it was a place for counseling women with a-trailer-load of issues. I knew I needed help but I did not think my issues were at Alabastron level. LOL.
In the past two years I had been jumping from ‘relationship’ to ‘relationship’. I had had about 8 short relationships in two years. All of them left me devastated, angry and sad. A good friend of mine even called me a ‘serial dater’. In the past two years I had been jumping from ‘relationship’ to ‘relationship’. I really didn’t want this to be my destiny as I was just a girl seeking love in all the wrong places unknowingly; it’s not that I had planned for each of these not to work out. But I also remembered the saying if it happens once maybe it is him but if it hasn’t worked out eight times……maybe it’s you. I knew I was a contributing factor but couldn’t quite pin point what the issue was and this is where I needed help discovering and bouncing back. I had had about 8 short relationships in two years.
My approach had been to jump to the next available relationship to make up for the one that did not work out so I do not have to explain the break ups. At some point I realized I never used to update my friends if it didn’t work out so some would think I am still dating X, some would think I am dating Y, and some Z. It was even hard for me to keep up with knowing which friend thinks am dating who so I don’t confuse stories…..all this to save face. A good friend of mine even called me a ‘serial dater’.
The few that I told I informed them of what bad people the guys were so they can give me the ‘you dodged a bullet’ talk and justify my actions but I knew they were not all bad….some, but not all.
I really yearned for a happy thriving relationship.
Through the process of Alabastron, I have discovered the role I was playing in making things not work out and the attributes I needed to work on. I was also able to regain self-appreciation.
Most importantly I regained my confidence in God in the issue of marriage and settling down so that it has been much easier leaning on Him and trusting His ways and not mine.
I am now able to let go and let God.
I can guard my heart so I do not self-sabotage.
I can sit back and wait to be wooed knowing I am a queen.
I have learnt to be still and follow God’s leading and not be self-seeking. Through the process of Alabastron, I have discovered the role I was playing in making things not work out and the attributes I needed to work on. I was also able to regain self-appreciation.
I feel God is using Alabastron to redeem/give answers and directions to relationships of all forms. If you are experiencing something close to what I have been through, I recommend you come and learn what God has for you and see Him deliver you to new heights. Let us bounce back and live a fulfilled life as God intends for us.