When the Hunter Became the Hunted!

Have you heard the phrase “the hunter became the hunted”? That’s my Alabastron story. I always knew I was okay, just minor issues here and there. So when my sister in-law told me about Alabastron I thought about my sister and I knew this program would sort her. In my head, I was seeking help for her. Lo and behold! I was the one who needed ‘sorting’! Everything at the Open Day resonated with what I was going through!
At that time, I was in a lot of emotional and psychological pain. I was angry at myself, people around me, my spouse and even God. I felt misunderstood, judged, guilty, lonely, insignificant, unnoticed, unwanted, unworthy and unloved. I had no self-identity. In fact, I had even stopped looking at myself in the mirror! I was honestly looking for an end to my pain. I even had suicidal thoughts.
I felt misunderstood, judged, guilty, lonely, insignificant, unnoticed, unwanted, unworthy and unloved. I had no self-identity.
I remember my spiritual mentor telling me one day that he had seen me being eulogized in my own burial! Talk about a dead woman walking! This was a confirmation to me that I was just awaiting physical death. All this while, few people, if any noticed that I was struggling.
In a bid to sort my pain, I had tried prayer, fasting, seeking spiritual counsel, and attended quite a number of meetings that focused on addressing who a woman is and what is expected of her. Nothing seemed to work for me. I was dying inside, slowly by slowly. I didn't enroll for the program immediately but I made up my mind that I must take up this journey before end of 2018.
During the Renewing Self program, I was equipped on how to deal with self-defeating patterns that had bound me.
. It has been a journey of finally regaining my self-worth, self-love and significance.
I was also equipped on how to deal with what is not within my control. I was finally able to deal the pain I felt. I learnt how to love without restrictions. I learnt the reality of a healthy self-esteem. I learnt to guard my heart and set attainable and achievable boundaries. It has been a journey of finally regaining my self-worth, self-love and significance. I have learnt to see myself as God sees me, and learning that I am wonderfully complex! It has been so liberating
It is never too late to commit to your significance.
I have become calm and I smile more often. My relationship with God is restored. I am experiencing freedom! I have a healthy relationship with my children. My spouse finally confessed that I now have a life! We laugh together – hearty laughter! It actually feels like I'm being dated afresh!
Recently during the world cup season, when my spouse was asked which team he supports, he said he has changed his football team, and attests that he is Team Rose Carol! Why won't I jump and shout hallelujah!
It actually feels like I'm being dated afresh!
I want every woman to know that there is hope. It is never too late to commit to your significance. In God’s timing, He makes all things beautiful. I recommend this journey to every woman. It's time to unlearn the patterns society has taught us. Renew your mind to test and approve the good, pleasing and perfect will of God for you! It is time to let your light shine.
Register for Alabastron Renewing Self Program here…