Voices of Transformation

What women who have done alabastron have to say

A Crown of Wholeness!!

Have you ever been caught up with the usual activities in your life? You know, getting up, bathing, getting dressed, preparing the children, and then showing up at work because you have to! Well, that was me doing life beaten up; sinking every moment yet constantly smiling telling myself everything is ok until I did Alabastron.

One normal morning, late last year after arriving at work, my boss who is also a friend mentioned Alabastron to me. God surely bless her soul!!

“I think you need Alabastron.” Trizah said.

“I think you need Alabastron.” Trizah said.

I honestly did not hear her well, I heard something like Alabaster. I didn’t care!! Later on, I grew interest and searched for the organization on internet. I researched everything I could get a hold of. Social media, the website and even You Tube. I resolved to attend the Alabastron Open Day then broke the news to Trizah

“By the way I attended the Open Day.” I mentioned swiftly.

To my surprise, she sent me money for registration and even paid the full amount for me!! I had been going through a series of depression and emotional abuse. This showed up at my work. I would always say yes to everything and get an outburst. One day I stormed a manager’s office unaware I was angry, he request if I can do breathing exercises. Most of my close friends could easily tell I was not ok. But what hit me hard was a question from my six year old son. [...]

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A Crown of Awareness of My Soul

“I honestly didn’t know I was suppressing anger and un-forgiveness in my life.” ~ Eva

In a world where we are cultured to always look for solutions in an external environment away from our own selves; it is almost inevitable to lack a sense of awareness our own core existence. Our own soul! This was my nature when I came to Alabastron. My Alabastron journey made me have awareness of my soul!

I heard about Alabastron more than a decade ago. I even attended the FREE Open Days. Two of them! I was just curious about the program but didn’t sign up. Two years ago, after meeting with a spiritual mentor I hold with high regard, she recommended Alabastron. WOW! I was in shock!

“I believe you are facing some challenges in your life because of hurt, anger and rejection. You need to unearth the root cause. Consider taking the Alabastron Program” She firmly advised

However, I kept on telling myself that I am ok and I don’t really need any intervention from an outside party. I thought that through my own prayer and fasting I would figure this out! [...]

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A Home Away from Home

Packing has never been one of my favorite activities, even when it’s a holiday that I have been looking forward to; it is the one thing that fills me with dread and some anxiety. I still don’t understand why I haven’t conquered this irrational fear of packing because most of my childhood, my family moved to a new country every three or four years. We lived in various countries including Swaziland, Switzerland, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Malawi and Nigeria. That certainly involved a considerable amount of packing and unpacking many boxes!

In April 2015, my fear of packing reached an all-time high as I had to face the daunting task of packing up the home which I had lived in for nine years in Kampala (Uganda) and move to Nairobi which, though not very far, was still away from family and my familiar routines.

I joined my current workplace in April 2007 as Country Manager for Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi based at the Kampala office. As such, I was in charge of commercial activities for those three markets. This was my first management position and a turning point in my career. Previously I had worked for an international airline in Uganda and so the same industry partners I dealt with then were the clients I was handling in the new company. [...]

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I Have Finally Broken My Silence! I Am Free!!

I have broken free from the guilt of the skeletons in my closet and moved forward in life.

I heard about Alabastron about five years ago. A close friend of mine had invited me to the Open Day. I felt I couldn’t afford it but I knew it is what I needed. Later I began following the program My Unspoken closely. I wished I had the courage to share my pain as I watched the women share

After carrying the weight of the decisions I had made that turned out to be mistakes, I had a longing to be free. I wanted to separate my past from the future I longed for. So, I began attending church. Unfortunately, I felt judged so I did not share my truth. I was at the lowest I have ever been in my life. Ouch! Sometimes I would catch myself thinking death would be a better option. This time I was not ready to do therapy again.

My life was stagnant. I was struggling with my social life. I was living in solace. Deep down I longed to share my truth without fear or judgment. I was feeling defeated. I began lacking confidence in myself. I was carrying guilt and shame from the decisions I had made in my life. [...]

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A Crown of a Burner That Lights the World

Have you ever suffered too much pain in your life that no cover up could hide it? Does your pain overwhelm you that you cannot escape from it? Alabastron enabled me overcome my pain and become a burner!

When my sister -in-law spoke to me about Alabastron, I was in a bad place. It was evident for her from our first interaction yet I had not interacted with her for a long time. She carefully followed up with me to take the program. She welcomed me to go for the Open Day. God bless her soul!

I vividly remember that night when she called me to request that we mentor young girls along their career path. On that night, I had separated with the father to my son. It was painful, hurtful to say the least! This pain I tried to cover up but it was greater than my cover ups.

During the Renewing Self Program, I learned about the root cause of my pain. It dawned on me since childhood I had faced emotional abuse. Unequipped to deal with it, I hid the pain. This led me to have insecurities in my life. I was insecure about my identity and about my decisions in life. This made me develop low self-esteem. [...]

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About Us

Alabastron INpowerment Ltd is an organization that is committed to equipping women to identify their self-defeating patterns and deal with them in order to live significantly.

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